10 things you need to know about dating a cancer

Dating > 10 things you need to know about dating a cancer

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Loving a Cancer man is meant to keep him, give him a north haven, and be his forever. We hope you'll eventually see yourself in the same brilliant light that we see around you. And he did… right before he died of cancer. At the end of the day, the main goal of the Cancer woman is a life filled with ring and stability. Here are the things you must know about a Cancer man in love: 1. And schedule regular Pap smears starting 3 years after first intercourse or no later than age 21 as well as mammograms after 40, according to the American Cancer Society.

They are easy-going Everyone loves the happy crab! Cancers are the first in mind for many when making plans for a night on the town. The mature crab knows that there is a place for everything and everything has its place, they never purposefully try to draw more attention to themselves by making things dramatic or serious. They are out to have a good time which rejuvenates them and charges up the batteries. Because they work hard for everything, they expect others to do the same. They are intuitive As the cancer is a water sign, alike to and Pisces, they are naturally gifted at navigating the emotional waters of their psyche. They trust their gut and follow their instincts, as it is relied upon for their very survival. They are sensitive Alike to the scorpion, when they feel emotionally slighted they will bring out the pincers and nab you back the quickest way they can in order to get an emotional reaction. They are the natural nurturer. Above all other signs the cancer is the most motherly. Man or woman, they pride themselves on taking care of their families needs. They enjoy the role of bread-winner as it makes them feel important, respected and appreciated. Cancers are curious by nature and nothing attracts them more than positive vibes and good vibrations. They are homebodies The crab is outgoing and sociable, yet they feel most comfortable in their own space. They seek outside circumstances to get a feel for the world, yet recluse when they want to relax and just let go. Cancers like to entertain and prefer hosting special events and occasions as opposed to attending. They are extremely loyal Cancers are the most loyal sign of the zodiac. They are forgiving if not too forgiving understanding and compassionate.

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